New Delhi, Leading News Service: The Sharad Pawar group has filed a complaint in the Central Election Commission alleging that the Supreme Court order is not being followed by the NCP Ajit Pawar group. Nationalist Sharad Pawar MLA Jitendra Awad directly reached Delhi to complain. If the Commission does not take action within 72 hours, then we will have to go ahead, Awad has warned to go to the Supreme Court.
After the split in the NCP, the Election Commission gave the NCP party and clock election symbols to Ajit Pawar. Later, the Sharad Pawar group was given the name 'Nationalist Congress Party – Sharad Chandra Pawar' and the party symbol of a trumpet player. But even after that, the dispute between the two groups does not subside. Two days ago, a hearing was held in the Supreme Court regarding the Nationalist Congress Party. At this time, the Ajit Pawar group had asked to write a notice saying that Sharad Pawar's name or photo should not be used and that the case of using a watch as a party symbol is sub judice. However, Jitendra Awad alleged that the instructions of the Supreme Court were not being followed by the Ajit Pawar group. Jitendra Awad also presented the evidence of Ajit Pawar group leaders' photos on social media. And filed a complaint in the Central Election Commission in this regard. He said that Aniket Tatkare, son of Nationalist Ajit Pawar faction's state president Sunil Tatkare and MLA Aniket Tatkare, had recently come to light that Sharad Pawar's photo had been used in an event.
… So let's go to the Supreme Court.. Warning of challenges
Meanwhile, the Ajit Pawar group is not following the instructions given by the Supreme Court. He has been asked by the court to write instructions. Therefore, the Election Commission will have to take action against the Ajit Pawar group. If they do not take action, we will approach the Supreme Court. Because not following the instructions given by the court is contempt of the Supreme Court,” said Jitendra Awad.
Speaking on the arrest of Awad Kejriwal, who is on a visit to Delhi, he said that the political atmosphere in the country is deteriorating. We are moving towards dictatorship. The upcoming elections do not seem to be fair. Electoral bond malpractice has come to light. As he was coming out, Kejriwal was arrested. Recently two Chief Ministers were arrested. The atmosphere has started like it was in 1977. But people have become aware. He also said.
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