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World Environment Day: Death Mountain to Biodiversity Forest Via 'Devarai'; Dense trees reduce temperature

Nashik : Neil Kulkarni

Green man Shekhar Gaikwad and his 'Apal Priyawan' have made the region rich in biodiversity by blooming a rich forest of 28 thousand trees on a hill barren due to useless Giripushpa (Glaricidia) trees at the disposal of the forest department in Satpur, which was once negatively known as the hanging mountain.

Deurai: In 2015, the then 'hanging mountain' was barren and barren.

Before 2015, the forest department planted a tree like Giripushka on the hill known as Fashicha Dongar of Satpur and the area became barren and barren. The challenge is to revive the forest in such places. By adopting this hill, Shekhar Gaikwad organized a forest festival in 2015 with the participation of the public and planted more than 10 thousand indigenous trees and gave the shape of 'Devarai' to the hanging hill.

Deorai 'Blue Oakleaf' is a rare butterfly that looks like a dried leaf

In that year, about 40 acres of pits were dug and indigenous trees were planted. Today, after 9 years, the green dream of dense tree vines has come true on Deorai hill and the whole area has become a rich bio-diversity. Every year, on the occasion of Environment Day and other environment-friendly days, herbs, mangoes, bushes, vines etc. are planted here and they are conserved with strict planning. The organization has appointed two security guards at its own expense. It is green with lush green trees and latavelis. Reptiles, mammals, wildlife including birds, butterflies, rare insects make this area a haven of biodiversity. The temperature of Nashik went up to 42 degrees this summer. However, the temperature in Deorait is 4 to 5 degrees lower than the city during the entire summer. As the tree vines also retain the moisture in the air, this year's scorching heat has given the picture of a rightful habitat for the Deurai wildlife along with the Pash-Paksha. Gaikwad's project at Deorai in Nashik has become a pioneer and an example for others in the state. For that, environmentalists from other cities are coming to him for guidance. Deorai means a forest maintained in the name of God. Today Nashik Deorai has become a forest that is the abode of 'Ishwara', the 'forest god'.

Journey to dream fulfillment through green dreams…

  • In the first year (2015) 11 thousand trees were planted, 90% of them survived.
  • Expansion of forest area in 70 acres with 28 thousand trees and vines in nine years.
  • 500 mango plants of 15 species, 1400 bamboos of 30 species
  • 75 species of lotus
Deorai black cocktail ant 'tree house' on a tree

Including Devrait in the last nine years..

  • Indigenous Trees: Jambhul, Tivas, Kusum, Bhokar, Kahandal, Bhormal, Resheem Dhavada, Chandwa, Krishnavad, Paras Vad, Nandrik, Pyra and other useful and biodiversity enhancing trees.
  • Vines : Many vines like Devchafa, Kawandal, Kawli, Jungle Musanda, Sasan, Madhunashi, Ashtisrinkha, Bokadvel, Zumbervel.
  • Herbs: Ashwagandha, Agnimanth, Gela, Lokhandi, Dikamli, White Kuda, Tambatkuda, Black Niragudi, Hatrun, Nepati.
  • Birds: Before 2015 there was no bird habitat. Today 40-50 Bhardwajs, 100 Peacocks, Sasani, Ghar, Sharati, Pawshya, Chashmevala, Tambad, Ranpingala, Owl, Chakawa, Bulbul, Kotwal, Flycatcher (Fulto's), Ramganga (Tit), Sky Dancer (Pairide Flycatcher), Vanpingala ( Jungle Owlet), Crow's Nest, Wren, Pawshaw, Tit, Blue Oak Leaf Butterfly (rare).
  • Animals : Rabbits, Mongoose, Kharutai, Taras, Wildcat, Wildcat, Cheetah Habitat, 1 pair habitat,
  • Reptiles: Ghorpad (Monitor Lizard), Ghonas, Snake, Dhamana, Naneti (Cookery), Lizard, Sapsurli.
  • Butterfly species increased. Increase in beehives, different types of weevils, ants, ants, insects, weevils, beetles.

This Environment Day is the Year of Tree Conservation
Forestry on Satpur's Deorai was challenging. Here every year the forest was planted by planting native species of trees. It has the support of many people including our organization. Seeing the fulfillment of green dreams from the dead forest brings extraordinary satisfaction, happiness. 2 security guards are appointed here from the expenses of the organization. Insects, birds, reptiles along with tree vines today have made Deorai a center of rich biodiversity along with tree vines. We are going to celebrate this year's Environment Day on the concept of 'Our Environment' on the concept of care, nurturing and conservation of trees. – Shekhar Gaikwad, Founder Chairman, Architect of Our Environment Devrai.

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