Leaders Online Desk: Two IT engineers working in Pune, Anish Kurdiya and Ashwini Kosta, died. Both of them were killed when a speeding Porsche car driven by a drunken minor rammed the two-wheeler from behind. On this, the family of the deceased engineer Anish Kudiya from Madhya Pradesh has alleged that 'this is not an accident, but murder' (Pune Porsche Car Accident). News in this context 'NDTV'is given by
How did the accident happen to engineer Anish Dudiya, who died in an accident in Pune? Anish's family is also shaken by the manner in which his family lost their son. In one of the scenes, Anish's relatives are seen hugging each other and crying. His uncle Akhilesh Abdiya said, “The juvenile accused was in a drunken state and was driving at a speed of 240 km per hour. He did not have a driving license. So 'this is murder, not an accident.'
Anish's grandfather, Atmaram Adhyaya, said Kishore Driver, son of a prominent builder in Pune, should not have been granted bail. “Two people lost their lives in this accident, it is completely wrong. We believe that the accused in this accident should be severely punished. Therefore, the bail given to the accused should be cancelled,” the grandfather of deceased Anish has expressed his wish.
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