Friday, June 28, 2024

Nana Patekar spoke on Tanushree's sexual harassment allegations: All the allegations are false, why would I get angry in such a situation

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Tanushree Dutta had accused Nana Patekar of sexual harassment. She said that Nana Patekar misbehaved with her during the shooting of a song of the 2008 film Horn OK Please. Now Nana Patekar has given his side on this issue. He said that all the allegations made by Tanushree are false.

Nana Patekar said – all the allegations are false
In an interview with The Lallantop, Nana Patekar talked about the allegations made by Tanushree. He said that he never spoke on this issue because there is no truth in it. He said- I did not get angry on these things because all this is a lie.

Nana Patekar said that all this is an old matter and there is nothing to discuss about it. According to him, everyone knows the truth. He has nothing to react to all this because all the allegations made are false.

'I have not done anything wrong, so I did not give any explanation'
Nana Patekar further said- Suddenly someone says that you have done this, you have done that. How will I respond to all these things? Should I have said that I have not done this? I know that I have not done anything wrong.

The actress revealed this in 2018
In 2018, Tanushree had accused Nana Patekar, dance choreographer Ganesh Acharya and director Vivek Agnihotri of sexual harassment under the MeToo movement. Tanushree said that veteran actor Nana Patekar had tried to sexually harass her.

Tanushree also said that even when only she was shooting, Nana Patekar was present on the set. After this allegation of Tanushree, an FIR was also filed against Nana Patekar.

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