Saturday, July 27, 2024

India will attack us at any moment!; Pakistan cries at United Nations Commission meeting | leader

New York : News Agency : India is getting armed more and more day by day. Peace in South Asia is threatened and India will attack us anytime, Pakistan cried in the United Nations (UN) Commission meeting on Tuesday.

Munir Akram, the representative of Pakistan, further said, India is leading in arms procurement. Many countries are supplying India with advanced missiles, nuclear weapons and weapons. Great destruction is thus possible. Munir also dropped the bombshell that India is encouraging terrorism against Pakistan. It was also reported that human rights were being violated in Kashmir.

The reason behind the statement

As soon as the United Nations Subsidiary Commission to Monitor Dangerous Weapons appoints Pakistan's Usman as its president for the current year, the above statement has been made by Pakistan, it is noteworthy here! And paradoxically, on the other hand, Pakistan's defense minister is doing things to improve relations with India.

Say India will drop nuclear bomb!

India has adopted a Cold Start policy of war. Munir Akram also mentioned that the risk of a sudden attack on Pakistan by India has increased.

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