Saturday, September 7, 2024

Heat Wave: The problem of heat will increase in the next few days! According to IMD's warning, the highest heat wave in 'this' area leader

Leaders Online Desk: Indian Meteorological Department has warned of severe summer this year. It is predicted that there will be intense heat between April and June this year. Director of 'IMD' Mrityunjay Mohapatra said in a press conference that normal rainfall is also expected in the country in the month of April. Central, northern plains and many parts of southern India are expected to be most affected by the heat wave. (IMD report)

Mohapatra said maximum temperatures are likely to remain above normal in most parts of the country, especially central India and western peninsular India. Temperatures are likely to remain below normal over parts of Western Himalayan region, North-Eastern states and North Odisha. Regarding the heat wave, Mohapatra said that most of the plains of the country are likely to experience more than normal heat wave days. Heat wave is likely to last for 10 to 20 days in various areas, while the average heat wave is likely to last for 4 to 8 days.

Heat waves during April to June in 'these' states

Director General of Meteorological Department, Mrityunjay Mohapatra, while announcing the temperature forecast for April to June, has said that some states will experience severe heat waves. At this time, they have predicted that Gujarat, Madhya Maharashtra, North Karnataka, Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, North Chhattisgarh, Odisha and Andhra Pradesh will have the highest probability of heat wave.

There will be intense heat in many parts of the country

According to the Meteorological Department, the maximum temperature is likely to remain normal to below normal in the months of April and June in Western Himalayan region, northeastern states and some parts of North Odisha. At the same time, the maximum temperature is likely to be above normal in most parts of the country during April, with a higher probability in Central South India.

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