Saturday, October 5, 2024

God, Angara, Bhandara and even bread!

Sunil Kadam

On the occasion of Lok Sabha elections, different oaths are being administered to a village, a large community group or a community leader in rural areas. However, with the passage of time, the number of people taking oath is decreasing.

Even today, different gods and goddesses have a big influence on the community in the rural areas. There is no dearth of those who have unwavering faith in their respective clan deities. In some villages, people have immense faith in the village deities of that village. Similarly, there are certain gods and goddesses of certain societies, and these gods are believed by this society. These beliefs among the people are also seen to be compromised on the occasion of elections.

Some special people of the candidates have this special responsibility. Such stewards enter a village at three o'clock in the morning or even in the middle of the night and dare to invite the village chiefs to one's house or some secret place. When the main congregation gathers, sometimes tea is served with music and sometimes a communal meal with drinks is carried out. After that the voting discussion starts. The village heads are forced by the candidate's stewards to vote for their own candidates. For this, some 'transactions' are also carried out, while promises are made that we will do such and such for the village in the future.

Even the leading congregations in the village promise to give all the votes to their own candidate. But only relying on this promise, the stewards don't take steps, they want a firm word! For that purpose, in the meeting itself, the embers and storehouses of the village deity are brought and to guarantee the vote, the chief members of the village are given an oath of these embers and bhandaras, and after this oath ceremony is completed, the stewards of the candidate go on their way with the satisfaction of having booked the village. On the occasion of the Lok Sabha elections, these oath-taking ceremonies can be seen in many places in the rural areas.

A community in a village has fifteen hundred and one votes; But the tradition of voting for Sangel, the head of this society, seems to have survived in many places even today. In such a case, the steward of that society starts getting respect. Candidates' representatives are seen picking the noses of Pavlopavali officials. All the needs and wants of the steward are seen, if there are any demands of his society, they are also fulfilled on the spot. On the occasion of the Lok Sabha elections, these days, many such stewards are seen campaigning for different candidates.

A particular deity of a society is traditionally recognized as the clan lord. Therefore, there is a tradition in the rural areas of taking the amulets of those particular gods and goddesses to get the vote of that community for their own candidate. No matter how much the world's affairs have become digital, the faith in the hearts of the people in the rural areas has not been broken at all. Therefore, it is seen that these places of worship are being used very much by the candidates and their representatives to vote collectively in this election.

In a constituency, certain individuals of a particular community have great social prestige. On the occasion of the election, we are seeing a tug of war between the candidates and their representatives to attract such social personalities to them. Swearing by Gods and Goddesses for vote, guaranteeing vote by burning embers or bhandara, sometimes making the minister swear by bread on the dinner plate itself, sometimes swearing by children, these types of things are still common in rural areas. On the occasion of the Lok Sabha elections, all these things seem to be gaining a new meaning.

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