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Demonstrations of angry government employees due to promotion leader

New Delhi, Leading News Service: Thousands of employees of the Central Secretariat Service (CSS), which is the backbone of the central government and is a 104-year-old system, staged strong protests in North Block, which is considered to be the most secure area today, over the issue of being left out of promotion. The employees of this CSS service also complain that issues like promotion, ban on deputation, CSS Day are pending for ten years.

1200 Under Secretaries in Central Secretariat Service are waiting for promotion to the post of Deputy Secretary. However, since this promotion has not been received, there is deep resentment among the CSS employees. According to the CSS Forum, an association of officers in the CSS service, it takes almost 13 years for under secretaries to qualify for the post of deputy secretary despite all their abilities.

Due to this, the members of this service have to be deprived of promotion. Not only this, 100 deputy secretaries have to work in the same post despite fulfilling the criteria for promotion to the post of director. Cadre review is pending for one and a half years. Interestingly, various ministries and departments of the central government have expressed the need for more than 2200 additional posts of CSS cadre. The Central Government had appointed a committee to review the CSS cadre in 2022. The report of this committee has not come yet. As many as 1200 CSS officers are worried about their future.

Therefore, CSS Forum has demanded that this review should be implemented immediately. In this regard, on January 18, Principal Secretary of the Prime Minister's Office P. K. A letter was also given to Mishra. Meanwhile, the CSS Forum has today given a letter of its demands to the Secretary of the Department of Dopt and has also warned to take out a peace march on March 7 to bring attention to these demands.

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