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Casting director's life is also not easy: Panchami Ghavri said – Fraud happens in the name of casting, her own account has been hacked.

11 minutes agoAuthor: Tasveer Tiwari

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Everyone is fond of watching movies. But very few people know that every person who appears in films is casted. This is a long process. Film industry's famous casting director Panchami Ghavri talked to Dainik Bhaskar about some special aspects related to casting. Let us tell you, Panchami has done casting in many big projects like Murder Mubarak, Crew, Kapoor and Sons and Gaharanya.

First of all, Panchami exposed the fraud happening through casting. He said that fraud is done in the name of casting on social media. Struggling artists are asked for huge amounts of money. Panchami Ghavri has a casting related page on social media. While narrating an incident of fraud, Panchami told that her Insta account was hacked. The hacker was trying to extort money in the name of casting by sending messages to the actors from his account. Casting related fraud mostly happens with people coming from new cities. Because they are not aware of its process.

Casting director Panchami Ghavri.

Panchami spoke on blackmailing of casting directors

Some people calling themselves casting directors threaten struggling artists that they will get you blacklisted from the industry. Disclosing this, Panchami said that this is a big misunderstanding. This does not happen, people who threaten you like this every now and then. He is not a genuine casting director. There is nothing in their hands. Panchami says that no one can get you blacklisted nor can anyone spoil your career. Because of this, artists do not need to be afraid of such people. It doesn't work like this in the industry.

Casting directors do not get credit – Panchami Ghavri

Films are made and become hits. Everyone's name becomes famous. But only a very few people talk about who did the casting of the film. Panchami also felt this lack somewhere. He said that it is true that casting directors do not get credit. People don't talk about them. But now people have started talking about it in many places. He said- Now in some cases the attitude of the industry is changing towards casting directors.

Panchami said on being tagged as a TV artist Ghawari

This topic has been going on in the industry for many years that artists working in TV are tagged as TV artists. It is very difficult for him to get work in films. Many times, even after getting a break in films, one does not get success. Because the tag of TV artist gets placed on his name. Panchami said that there is truth in this. But till some time ago this was happening too much.

The current situation is such that people demand TV actors for their films and series. Because he is a good actor. Along with this, they also get a lot of experience. Panchami said- I am a casting director, no one will be able to tell better than me which type of actor is in high demand. As a casting director, he said that now the value of TV artists has started increasing.

More than 200 people were auditioned for the 'Mismatched' series.

Panchami Ghavri said that auditions of more than 200 people were taken for the mismatched series. In this, Prajakta Koli and Rohit Suresh Saraf were seen as lead actors. More than 50 girls were auditioned for the role of Prajakta. Prajakta also auditioned for it like other girls. Regarding her upcoming projects, Panchami told that she has countless projects this year.

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