Sunday, July 7, 2024

Zombie Drug: People digging graves for zombie drugs; Finally declared a national emergency in 'this' country leader

Leader : Online Desk : Controlling the sale and consumption of drugs is becoming a challenge for the world. A terrible form of drug addiction has been rampant in the West African country of Sierra Leone. In this country, human bones are being used to make a certain type of drug. The practice of digging up graves to obtain human bones and stealing skeletons has become so rampant in this country that a national emergency has been declared. (Zombie Drug)

This drug is called zombie drug or kush. People addicted to this drug have started digging Kabir in the burial ground and dumping its skeletons. Various toxic ingredients and human bone powder are used to make this drug. Human bones are the main ingredient in the drug. The police in this country have provided protection to the burial grounds because of this. (Zombie Drug) President Julius Maada Bio (Julius Maada Bio) has said that drug addiction has become a question of the existence of the country. There is only one hospital in this country which is working on addiction treatment. The number of admissions to these hospitals due to drug addiction has increased by 4000 percent in the last 4 years, according to a report given by the website Financial Express. A task force has also been formed in the country to prevent the consumption of this drug.

The zombie drug xylazine is used to anesthetize animals. Narcotics are made by mixing cocaine, heroin, fentanyl. These are called zombie drugs. After consumption of this drug, the person loses consciousness and starts behaving recklessly. become violent.

A movie released in Marathi with the theme of zombies did well a few years ago. The film brought this infectious horror genre into the limelight. Even the producers in Bollywood have a lot of fascination with zombies. However, this is the first time that the topic has come into reality as graves have started to be dug for these zombies.

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