Friday, June 28, 2024

50 percent of the students in the 'neat' re-examination!

Leader Online Desk: The National Testing Agency (NTA) had clarified that the re-examination will be conducted today on June 23 for the 1563 candidates who secured additional marks in the NEET results. Today this exam was conducted from 2 PM to 5:20 PM. But 50 percent of the candidates were absent from this exam.

According to information, the National Testing Agency (NTA) on Sunday conducted the re-examination of the NEET-UG exam for 1,563 candidates at six centers across four states and one union territory. According to the test panel, out of 1,563 candidates, 813 appeared for the re-examination today. 750 candidates avoided appearing in the exam.

The exam was held after NTA withdrew grace marks from students who were compensated for loss of time due to delay in commencement of exams at six centers in Meghalaya, Haryana, Chhattisgarh, Gujarat and Chandigarh. Two students were scheduled to take their NEET-UG retest in Chandigarh, but none of them turned up at the examination centre. While in Chhattisgarh, the examination was to be held at two centres, 602 candidates were eligible for re-examination. 291 candidates appeared for the exam today. Arrangements were made for 494 candidates at two examination centers in Haryana. Out of them 287 students gave the exam. In Meghalaya today 234 out of 464 eligible candidates took the exam. In Gujarat re-test was conducted for one candidate.

Following the Supreme Court order, the National Testing Agency (NTA) canceled the compensation marks awarded to the respective candidates. It was also clarified that these candidates will be re-examined on June 23. NTA also clarified that the result of this re-examination will be declared before 30 June.

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